Latin America

David Korfhagen



Ph.D., Spanish Linguistics, University of Wisconsin-Madison                                                   
M.A., Spanish Literature and Linguistics, Bowling Green State University                                 
B.A., Spanish Literature and Linguistics, University of Cincinnati                                              


University of Virginia (2018-present)

Paula Sprague

Research Summary

Please download Dr. Sprague's current C.V. for a full list of her publications, awards, and interests in research and teaching.


Ph.D., Modern Peninsular Spanish Literature; University of Wisconsin-Madison (2002)

M.A., Hispanic language and literatures; University of Wisconsin-Madison

B,A., Spanish; Knox College

Esther Poveda Moreno

Research Summary

A native of Madrid (Spain) Esther Poveda’s love for languages, literature and traveling started at a young age, when she decided to complete a B.A. in English Philology at the Universidad Complutense in Madrid. Since then she has lived in Ireland, the United States, Spain and Guatemala, and she has travelled extensively in Europe and the Americas.

Allison Bigelow

Research Summary

Allison (she/her/hers/ella) studies colonial science and technology, especially vernacular sciences like agriculture and mining. Her work applies literary methods to texts that bridge the gap between history and literature – scientific treatises, memoriales de arbitristas, legal papers, woodcuts, copperplate engravings, manuscript illustrations – to unearth the contributions of understudied groups, like women, Indigenous, and Afro-descendant artisans.


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