Research Faculty

Samuel Amago

Research Summary

Samuel Amago teaches courses on modern and contemporary Spanish literary history, cinema and culture. He is a former Chair of the Department of Romance Studies and Bowman and Gordon Gray Distinguished Term Professor of Spanish at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

His current scholarship centers on waste and space, memory and modernity in post-dictatorship Spanish cultural production, including photography, documentary, narrative, comics, film and television. 

Allison Bigelow

Research Summary

Allison (she/her/hers/ella) studies colonial science and technology, especially vernacular sciences like agriculture and mining. Her work applies literary methods to texts that bridge the gap between history and literature – scientific treatises, memoriales de arbitristas, legal papers, woodcuts, copperplate engravings, manuscript illustrations – to unearth the contributions of understudied groups, like women, Indigenous, and Afro-descendant artisans.


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